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Game Name : Jet Moto 2
System : Playstation
Date Added : 2002-06-17 09:30:59
Views : 15358

Cheat :
Bonus Character and Tracks:
To race as Enigma, beat all ten tracks at Master Difficulty. When you get Enigma, there is also a new difficulty level that opens up called Insane!

It is also possible to race on the original Jet Moto tracks depending on who you used to beat the Master Level. For instance beating it with the Max gets you joy ride! Happy hunting!

Fast Aerial:
To come up with at least 1 aerial on any jump do either of the following:

Hold L2 + L1 + Down-Left.
Hold R2 + R1 + Down-Left

All tracks:
Perform the following 10 steps to get to all tracks, including the alternate tracks.

1. At the options screen, select master difficulty and 5 laps per race. Then at the 1 player select screen, press X on Li'l Dave and then go back to title screen.

2. Now at the title screen, press Up, Down, Left, Right, R2, R1, L2, L1, in four seconds or less.

3. At the options screen, select 3 laps per race.

4. Then at the 1 player select screen, press X on Wild Ride and then go back to title screen.

5. Now at the title screen, press Up, Left, Down, Right, Square, R2, Circle, L2, in four seconds or less.

6. At the options screen, select amateur difficulty and turbos off.

7. Then at the 1 player select screen, press X on Bomber and then go back to title screen.

8. Now at the title screen, press Up, Down, Left, Right, Up, Down, Left, Right, in four seconds or less.

9. At the options screen, select professional difficulty and turbos on.

10. Finally at the title screen, press R2, R1, L1, L2, R2, R1, L1, L2, in four seconds or less.

Race as Enigma:
At the options screen, select master difficulty and 6 laps per race. Then at the title screen, press Left, Square, Down, Triangle, Right, Circle, L1, R1, in four seconds or less.

Go High:
In Slickrock Gorge, if you turbo up one of the burms, you will get so high that sometimes the ground temperarly dissapers.


On After Shock:
Make the first right turn in the city. Go to the end of the street and turn left. At the intersection take a right, and go to the end of the street once again. A section of the turn barrier is down. You can ride through, watch out for the billboards on the other side. This will cut off some time as you head straight to the drainage canal. -From: jeffrey7@airmail.net

On Ka Ma Te:
Heading into the swamp, take a hard left at the first check point. There is a grassy ramp which will give you access to a wooden bridge and a path leading to the other side of the swamp. It cuts off a few seconds. -From: jeffrey7@airmail.net

Slickrock Gorge:
When coming around one of the last few turns on the river you should see a large hole in the canyon wall and a rock directly in front of it in the water. Head for the rock and jump through the hole. Follow the river to the left and you'll be brought out just past the checkpoint on your way to the start/finish line.

In the track of rollercide, there is a shortcut which can save you valuable time, and put you in the lead if you are good enough to do it. After the first suicide turn(where the bell is) go straight instead of heading down into the full circle turn. If you aim it right and head between the signs, you can fly straight across to the main part of the lap.

The Shaft:
In "The Shaft", after you go through the tunnel around the first turn of the track, you have to make a jump. As you leave the tunnel, go to the left of the big rock in the middle of the track. Go off the jump at an angle so that you almost hit the right wall. If done correctly, you will land very close to the turn-around point and still be given the check point at the beginning of the S-turn. This shortcut will gain you anywhere from 2 to 6 positions!

Arctic Blast:
Drive off the part of the track right before the start/finish line. When you hit the water, turn around and drive into the crack inbetween the ice wall and the wall of the track. The driver will scream, as if falling, and you will end up back on the ice part of the track. Hmmmm... must be ACID water. (Heh heh.)

Hot Shot:
Whenever you see a buffalo standing behind the track boundary, drive into it, and it will snort. The name of one of the geysers is the "Upchuck Geyser."

Trophy Tricks:
Earning a trophy unlocks several cheat codes. Here's what you get for each racer.

Lil' Dave -- Upside Down Cam
Wild Ride -- Super Brakes
Blade -- TV Cam
Technician -- Cyberspace Cam
The Max -- Unlimited Turbos
Vampeera -- Super Agility
Gadget -- Unlimited Grapple
Steele -- Remote Control
The Hun -- Ice Racing
Bomber -- Zero Resistance

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